Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hard Drivin'

Here's a beautiful painting created by a beautiful boy (me).

36 x48 acrylic with sound elements

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Another Painting!

Two updates in one week?! Sweet Christ Almighty am I amazing.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Some homo paintings.

These were both part of the same project.

oil pen on canvas, 24x36

The first one here is the first page in a painting/comic series I started and never finished.

acrylic paint and oil pen on canvas, 36x48

This one was a "companion piece" to the whole thing.

To be perfectly honest I don't want to classify myself as a "gay artist" or whatev. so I'm not going to keep doing things of this nature. I'll post the painting/comic series whenever it's finished. (If I finish it.)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I haven't photographed any of the stuff that I've made over the past six months. I suck at this whole "self promotion" thing. Here's a mediocre five second self-portrait! How mind-numbingly fantastic..!