Monday, April 18, 2011

Western Comic

These are the first three pages of a Western comic I'm workin' on. I didn't really bother to clean them up. I'll get to that in the final version once everything has been drawn.

The accent in the first page is really overdone. I'm going to change that as well. I've also got other edits that I'm going to make. I didn't actually look at this thing until I scanned it. Dur.


Two of my friends bothered me literally for years to make a Batman fan comic. Last year I drew this. I hope you're ready for some Batman related melodrama. Also it probably won't make sense if you're not familiar with Mr. Freeze or his wife.

Also my good friend, the talented and lovely Mr. Sango Imai-Hall, made a phenomenal cover for this comic.

Beard Cover

This is the front cover of the previously mentioned collection of beard comics.

"Fúzy" means "beard" in Slovak.

Beard Comic

A group of cartoonists, including myself, got together and decided to create a book about beards. This is my contribution to that book.

Originally I had intended to do a murder mystery with a Eastern European detective coming to the U.S. on the trail of a serial killer. Unfortunately I had to limit the number of pages I contributed which would have been impossible for that particular comic. At the last minute I came up with this instead.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Some paintings from the past few months.

A Handsome Boy In Repose - 30 x 40 - Oil paint

A gay pride thing...? That wasn't my intent but that's how most people took it.

Nose - 18 x 24 - Oil paint

Something To Hang Your Hat On - 12 x 48(?) - Acrylic and wooden posts

I turned an old phrase into a painting/hat rack... I'm so clever.

Listen Closely - 60 x 60 - Acrylic, ink, and sound

If you press the button a fart sound is produced. I'm so avant-garde.

Old Art

Most of these were way too big for a scanner so instead I took unforgivably bad photos.

Self Portrait #1 - pencil and ink

Self Portrait #2 - charcoal pencil

Self Portrait #3 - pencil and ink

Self Portrait #4 - pencil & a coffee stain

Devo Energy Dome - ink

Banana Knife - charcoal

Old Comics

The majority of these are from about two and a half years ago. Some of them are older. Nothin' but family friendly comedy right here.

The above comic made a girl cry. That was a fun experience.